What is your consensus on this ship?

What is your consensus on this ship?

From San Jose, California, it's time to change the way you interact with the world using the most personalized mobile AI experience yet, only from Samsung Galaxy. Join the conversation in the comments below.

From San Jose, California, it's time to change the way you interact with the world using the most personalized mobile AI experience yet, only from Samsung Galaxy. Join the conversation in the comments below.

Tempstar furnace stopped working, HVAC tech said couldn't figure out and left

Just what the title says. It's negative temps where I am. Very frustrated but determined individual. A week ago, I heard a loud fan in my kitchen, like a bathroom fan. I went to garage where the furnace is located and heard a fan making loud noise. All was working meaning there was heat in the house, I saw the burner flames (blue), it was on and functioning. Fast forward a few days and I woke up to Ecobee alerts on my phone saying that there was a problem with my furnace and that heat was being called but the temperature was decreasing instead of increasing. Over the course of the morning (3 hours since the alert) the temp in the house dropped from 62 to 58 (it was set to 68). I observed that the furnace was on (on meaning it had power, blue flames at the burners, air coming out of the vents) but the air was cold. I had to go to work so after work I bought some space heaters and decided to make do/troubleshoot. I called my HVAC company and they said they were super busy, not sure when they could get to me. I ended up taking the front panel off the furnace and vacuumed it out, turned the gas off/on, reset it, made sure all the connections were plugged in, and also turned off/on at the breaker. I noticed that the green light on this Honeywell component went from steady green flashing to 3 flashes. I looked up the fault code and it was "pressure switch stuck open or manual on/off switch in off position." With that info, I called the HVAC company back and they scheduled Monday service. Monday, HVAC guys come. Says the inducer is out. Orders. Today they come back and install. The furnace was off at the thermostat but they were making it work with some other device. I saw it was functioning. They wanted payment. But I was insistent that we don't know that it is actually working because just last week it was on but blowing cold air. I wanted to make sure it was heating. During the convo I noticed that my Ecobee thermostat had the heat symbol but it was outlined in white not orange. It was the same on my phone. That means it's not actually heating. It also said "no equipment running" even though the equipment was running -- I saw it. I questioned this and they got frustrated and said that maybe there was something wrong with the thermostat. They wanted to sell me a new thermostat. I said no. These 2 service call and inducer motor were over $1200 and I've been at a hotel for a few days. I asked if they could troubleshoot because they couldn't leave me without a functioning furnace and they said no, they had other customers, and they couldn't figure it out. I'm embarrassed to say that I was so frustrated I paid and was like fuck it, I'll figure it out. So, here I am. Asking you to help me figure it out. I take direction well. I have great attention to detail. I'm sorta handy. This might break me, though. I'm so mad. Where do I start? What info do you need? I'm on my lunch break as I type this. I will head to the house after work and take pictures and also try to troubleshoot with Ecobee over the phone.

The Adam Elliott Collection coming from Madman March 2025

There's a studio release that has both Mary & Max and Memoir of a Snail on Blu-ray but doesn't include the short film Harvie Krumpet even think it was on the Mary & Max Blu. This will have all three plus a booklet and art cards.


Old but gold


Is my horse to old to be bred now? It's not letting me breed her?

Ejercicio Basico 1 Autodesk Inventor || Como crear una pieza 3d paso a paso

I finally finished the opening flow to my Merchant Life Sim!!


can you spare a bite sir?

Sync with Samsung tv

Can you sync photos with OneDrive to show on Samsung gallery on tv from pixel 8 pro? May be a stupid question

WB Deoxys Attack 657224556296

made little me as a bluey character!!

President Trump’s Day One Actions Include Assault on Alaska Public Lands

President Trump’s Day One Actions Include Assault on Alaska Public Lands

KenduInu Receiving Recognition

A legend in the space gave Kendu a culture call just now. He is a big influencer on X and YouTube. Make sure to give him a follow and show him some love by engaging with his profile. Show him how strong we are Kendu Army! https://x.com/hireztherapper/status/1882149537210597886

The feeling of not having enough time to finish all your tasks is real! Well, with monday.com’s work management platform, get more done in less time with automations, real-time communication, and notifications. Smash that done button! Try now.

The feeling of not having enough time to finish all your tasks is real! Well, with monday.com’s work management platform, get more done in less time with automations, real-time communication, and notifications. Smash that done button! Try now.

Audience Numbers Drop...

Y me pregunto por que lo solté antes..

Le dije yo, con el corazón rotó. Me dijiste que me amabas, ambos conocíamos a nuestras familias, pasábamos días festivos juntos, eras un amor conmigo, me tratabas SÚPER bien, pero Jamás pudiste subir una foto mía, sentirte orgulloso de tenerme en tu vida, agregarme a tus redes sociales, acaso fui tu burla, esa era mi pregunta. Durante la relación le pedía a gritos que lo hiciera y jamás lo hizo, en su momento fue doloroso, pero me preguntaba por que ellas si y yo no, si según el me amaba, que cambiaba. Nunca lo entendi Incluso con todo y lo que hice por el, jamás fui a la ue quería.

President Trump Revokes 60-Year-Old Executive Order Requiring Equal Employment Opportunity in Government Contracting

I honestly didn't want to believe that this story was true. As much as I knew he was capable of this kind of vile shit... So I looked up the story and it's actually worse than this. He ended equal employment, and also demanded that his admin find businesses and large scale non profit organizations to investigate for DEI hires. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-place-federal-dei-staff-paid-leave-starting-wednesday-2025-01-22/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-place-federal-dei-staff-paid-leave-starting-wednesday-2025-01-22/) He's actually trying to prosecute businesses for having diversity now.

how to improve math from 730 to 780+

got 730 math on last SAT, how should i get this higher

Gouache pleinair paintings of the coast - Palos Verdes, CA

WB Attack Deoxys 932684544478

Very difficult proof by induction (or maybe I'm just dumb).

I'm trying to prove Faulhaber's formula: \\sum\_{k=1}\^n{k\^p} = \\frac{1}{p+1} \\sum\_{k=0}\^p{B\_k{p+1 \\choose k}n\^{p-k+1}} Where B\_n are the Bernoulli numbers (classical version with B\_1=1/2), defined by B\_n := 1-\\frac{1}{n+1}\\sum\_{k=0}\^{n-1}{B\_k{n+1 \\choose k}} for n > 0 and B\_0 = 1 The basis case is easy, but I'm struggling with the induction part (I've been trying induction over p). I think part of the problem is trying to find a formula to relate sum(k\^(p+1)) with sum(k\^p) If I call the statement to be proved S(p), I suspect the reason why I can't do it is that instead of showing that S(p)⇒S(p+1) (as you would typically do with induction) I think I might need to show that S(0)∩S(1)∩S(2)∩⋯∩S(p) ⇒S (p+1) which I don't know how to even begin. P.S., sorry for LaTeX

Increase in overdosed deaths.

My Facebook community page been reporting a recent uptick of overdose deaths. Not sure of this is related to Doug Ford's plan to close overdose prevention sites or a deadly batch on the street but just a PSA especially to those have love ones battling substance abuse.

can someone please help me with this one?

i suck at estimating ;//

Installing NVIDIA STUDIO DRIVER on unsupported GPU?? My notebook equipped with GTX965M 4GB and I need Studio Driver for photo/video editing. I am not thinking to replace this notebook anytime soon. Any tutorial how to install Studio Driver on any unsupported Nvidia GPU? Thank you so much in advance.

Does anyone know when these skates were released?